Directories: Derby 1791 "Universal British Directory"

Updated: Friday, June 24, 2011   |   Belper Historical & Genealogical Website

This is the entry for Derby in the 1791 "Universal British Directory". The Directory covers only major towns and does not have an entry for Belper. Nonetheless, Derby being so close to Belper, this transcript of the Derby entry is still of interest.

Derby, Derbyshire

THE town of Derby is situate on the West bank of the Derwent, over which it has a fine stone bridge, well-built, but ancient, and a chapel upon the bridge, now converted into a dwelling-house. The river is navigable into the Trent. The Derby boat-company (Evans and Stretton) send barges to Gainsboro'; a great deal of cheese and lead is sent; in return they bring deals, slates, &c. Derby is a fine, beautiful, and pleasant, town, and has more genteel families in it than is usual in towns so remote from London; perhaps the more, because the Peak, which takes up the larger part of the country, is so inhospitable, rugged, and wild, a place, that the gentry choose to reside at Derby, rather than upon their estates as they do elsewhere.

The famous silk-mill on the river here was erected by Sir Thomas Lombe, who brought the model out of Italy, where one of this sort was used, but kept guarded with great care. It was with the utmost hazard, and at a great expense of time and money, that he effected it. There are near 100,000 movements turned by a single wheel, any one of which may be stopped independent of the rest. Every time this wheel goes round, which is three times in a minute, it works 73,728 yards of silk. By this mill, the raw silk brought from Italy or China is prepared for the warp. At one end of this building is a mill on the old plan, used before this improvement was made, where the silk is fitted, in a coarser manner, for the shoot. These mills employ about 200 persons of both sexes, and of all ages, to the great relief and advantage of the Poor. The money given by strangers is put into a box, which is opened the day after Michaelmas-day, and a feast is made, an ox is killed, liquor prepared, the windows are illuminated, and the men, women, and children, employed in the work, dressed in their best array, enjoy in dancing and decent mirth a holiday, the expectation of which lightens the labour the rest of the year.

It is customary for the inhabitants of the town, and any strangers who may be there, to go to see the entertainment; and the pleasure marked in the happy countenances of these people is communicated to the spectators, and contributes to the provision for the ensuing year.

The china-manufactory is not less worthy of notice. It does honour to this country. They have brought the gold and the blue to a degree of beauty never before obtained in England, and the drawing and colouring of the flowers are truly elegant. A great number of hands are employed in it, and happily many very young are enabled to earn a livelihood in the business.

Another work is carried on here, which, though it does not employ so many hands, must not be passed without observation. The marbles, spars, and petrifications, which abound in this county, take a fine polish, and from their great variety are capable of being rendered extremely beautiful. Several persons are engaged in this business, and make vases, urns, pillars, columns, &c. as ornaments for chimney-pieces, and even chimney-pieces themselves. See the article Chesterfield for a farther account of the Derbyshire spars.

Derby is populous and well-built, has five parishes, a large market-place, a beautiful town-house of free-stone, and very handsome streets.

In the church of All-Saints, the body of which has been rebuilt in an elegant taste, is the burial place of the noble Cavendish family; and an hospital close by the church, built by one of that family for eight poor men and four women. This hospital was founded by the famous Bess of Hardwick, (as she was called,) who was the foundress of the Devonshire family, and lies buried in this church. This church is remarkable for the architecture of its beautiful Gothic tower, 178 feet high; and for the elegance of its ornaments, as well as height, and is not to be equalled in this or in any of the adjacent counties. According to an inscription in this church, the Steeple was erected about queen Mary's reign, at the charge of the maidens and batchelors of the town; on which account, whenever a maiden, a native of the town, was married, the bells used to be rung by batchelors. How long the custom lasted, we have not read; but we do not find it is now continued. This union of the maidens and batchelors to build a steeple reminds us of a bell cast by a like contribution, upon which was this device:

Matereim juvenes, forman tribuere puella.
Young men materials, fashion maidens gave.

The government of this town is in a mayor, high steward, 9 aldermen, a recorder, 14 brothers, 14 capital burgesses, and a town-clerk. The number of freemen is indefinite. It has returned from the first summons 23 Edward I. It is of great antiquity, and was a royal borough in the reign of Edward the Confessor at which time there were 143 burgesses; but, when the Norman survey was made, they were reduced to 100. It was afterwards incorporated by a charter from king Charles I. This borough surrendered all prior charters and grants, and all its liberties and privileges, into the hands of the crown. Upon this, a new charter was granted, on the 5th of September, 34 Charles II. By this charter the corporate name is, "The mayor and burgesses of the borough of Derby, in the county of Derby."

The mayor is chosen every Michaelmas day, from among the aldermen, by a majority of the aldermen and brethren. The aldermen hold their office for life, unless removed for ill-behaviour or non-residence. If by death, or any other removal, a vacancy happen, one of the brethren is chosen to fill it by the majority of the mayor and remaining aldermen. The brothers and capital burgesses are in like manner chosen for life, but liable to removal, like the aldermen. A vacancy among the brothers is supplied from among the capital burgesses, by the majority of the mayor, aldermen, common-clerk, brethren, and remaining capital burgesses.

The recorder is chosen by the majority of the mayor, aldermen, common-clerk, and capital burgesses. His office continues during the pleasure of the mayor, aldermen,brothers, and capital burgesses, and the voice of the mayor is necessary for his removal, as it is for the removal or disfranchisement of all other officers or members of the corporation. The common-clerk, who is also, ex officio, coroner, and clerk of the peace, is chosen by the major part of the mayor, recorder, aldermen, brothers, and capital burgesses, the mayor or recorder being one, and continues in office during the pleasure of the majority of his electors.

The aldermen, brethren, and capital burgesses, must be constantly resident in the borough. The mayor, aldermen, brethren, capital burgesses, recorder, and common-clerk, all take an oath of office: the mayor, (either on the day of election, or, if absent, within one month after the decision,) before his predecessor, or, in his absence, before the recorder, or one of them, takes an oath; the aldermen, brethren, and capital burgesses, and the recorder, all take their oaths before the mayor for the time being; and the common-clerk takes his oath before the mayor and recorder, or either of them, and as many of the aldermen, brethren, and capital burgesses, as choose to be present. The recorder and common-clerk cannot enter on their offices, until approved by the king. The mayor and recorder have power to appoint deputies; the mayor's deputy to be named from among the aldermen. The aldermen, brethren, and capital burgesses, form the common-council; and the majority of them, together with the mayor, have power to make bye-laws, impose fines, &c. The mayor, the bishop of Litchfield and Coventry, his chancellor, the recorder and town-clerk, the, mayor of the year preceding, and the four senior aldermen, are the local justices of the peace, but removable at the king's pleasure.

The members are chosen by the corporation, freemen, and sworn burgesses, by charter 54 Charles I. The number of voters is 655. Returning officer is the mayor.

The mayor, aldermen, brothers, and capital burgesses, who form the common-council, are all in the interest of the duke of Devonshire, who, from their consequence, possess also great influence in the borough. They attach this inrest [sic] to the above nobleman by the exercise of that power which they assume of making honorary freemen, or, as they are most usually termed, in this and every other place, faggots: these are made from among such persons as have neither the claim or birth or servitude. By virtue of this power the aldermen can, at any time, create a number of freemen from among the duke of Devonshire's tenants and dependents, in various parts of the county. Such faggots will consequently out-number the legal freemen of the borough; and these honorary freemen, or faggots, want no qualification but the fiat of the aldermen, and to have been one whole year invested with their nominal franchise, agreeably to the letter of the Durham act; and they are qualified to come into the town on the day of election, and to ease the inhabitant freemen of all the inconveniences of a contest, by choosing their members for them.

Derby, therefore, though a very large and opulent town, cannot maintain its independence, as it would, if the right of voting were in the inhabitant householders, where it ought to be, or if it were relieved from the tyranny of a corporation, under which no town can be free, unless it is constituted as that of London.- In the case of Carlisle, making this description of freemen was deemed illegal; but in the case of Bedford and Derby the reverse has been determined. If, therefore, Mr. Grenville had introduced a clause into his excellent bill, to ascertain the qualifications of voters, and to abolish honorary freedoms, and such surreptitious qualifications, he would have done more to have prevented expensive litigation than the committees will ever be able to accomplish; for they are only competent to decide upon the evil when committed, without possessing the least power of preventing it in future.

There has been lately built in the market-place, by a subscription of the nobility and gentry of the county, a very noble, spacious, and elegant, assembly room, which, in grandeur and expensive ornaments, is inferior only to the magnificent building of the late earl of Burlington at York.

Derby was the extent of the rebels alarming progress in the year 1745; for, on the 4th of December in the morning, the Pretender's son entered Derby with near 5000 horse, and about 2000 foot; and in the evening the rest of their forces, their artillery, and baggage, arrived there likewise; but with all the precaution possible, to hinder any exact account from being taken of their numbers; which was a point they laboured with the utmost diligence during their whole march. On their first coming into Derby it was judged, both from the measures they took, and from the behaviour of their chiefs, that they were still disposed to march on. In the evening, however, they held several councils of war, in which the disputes among their chiefs rose so high, that they could not be concealed; yet they agreed upon nothing that night, except levying the public money, which they did with unusual circumstances of terror and violence. The next day they continued at Derby, and about noon, in a council held in the presence of the young Pretender, a final resolution was taken of returning back into Scotland.

It was observed by the people of the houses, where their principal commanders quartered, that, upon the rising of this last council, their chiefs looked very dejected; and that some of them railed at the French and Irish about the young Pretender, and others made no scruple of saying they were betrayed. This is certain, that, whatever was the matter, they were thenceforward always diffident of each other; and that the pretender himself was afterwards not much considered, and but indifferently obeyed. The duke of Cumberland, at the head of the king's forces, took all imaginable pains to force the rebels to a decisive engagement; and (when that was found impossible) to hinder their march into North Wales, or to alarm the nation by continuing their incursion, and advancing farther into the heart of the kingdom. In order to effect the former of these purposes, his royal highness advanced to Stone, upon the first advice of the rebels being at Congleton but, when it appeared that their true design was to march to Derby, the king's forces moved towards Northampton, to intercept them in their route Southwards; and having been informed, that the rebels had possessed themselves of Swarkston-bridge, his royal highness encamped on the 6th with the greater part of the forces on Maiden Common, between Coleshill and Coventry. In the mean time marshal Wade had marched the army under his command to Wetherby, where he encamped on the 5th; and the same day orders were given for the horse and dragoons to proceed to Doncaster, whither the foot were to follow them.

These dispositions afforded sufficient reason for the rebels to retreat, since, whoever considers them attentively, will find, that, in the first place, it would have been very difficult for them to have proceeded farther, without meeting with, and being obliged to fight, the duke's army, which was what they never designed; and, on the other hand, if they had succeeded in their scheme, and by some means or other continued their march, without coming to a battle, it must have ended in their absolute ruin, since a delay of two or three days would have rendered their retreat Northward altogether impossible. Here it is requisite to observe, that the second son of the pretender being arrived in France, there were about this time vast preparations made for the invasion of this kingdom; and though, by the timely and prudent precautions taken by the lords of the admiralty, they were prevented, yet they occasioned a great deal of confusion, and proved, in that respect, of some service to the rebels; but, in another sense, they were of service to the nation, since they not only kept alive, but heightened, that spirit of zeal and loyalty, which had appeared from the breaking out of the rebellion, and of which all ranks and degrees of people gave at this time such lively testimonies, as were sufficient to convince even our armies, that his late majesty reigned in the hearts and affections of his subjects, as well as over their persons.

After the rebels had raised all the money they could on the town of Derby, they set about prosecuting their resolution of endeavouring to retire into Scotland by the same road they came; and accordingly marched, on the 6th December 1745, to Ashburn, from whence they moved the next day to Leek, destroying, in their passage, whatever they judged might be or use to the king's forces that were in pursuit of them; and shewing a warm spirit of resentment for the disappointments they had met with, thereby provoking the country-people to do them all the mischief they could. They carried with them a train or artillery, consisting of 15 small pieces of cannon, and one mortar. From this time they continued retreating, till the decisive battle of Culloden put an end to the rebellion.

The following is a list of the principal inhabitants of Derby:

His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, Lord High Steward for the Borough, and
Lord Lieutenant for the County.

John Crompton, Esq. Mayor.
John Balguy, Esq. Recorder.

J. Lowe, Justice of the Peace
J. Eaton, Justice of the Peace
W. Edwards, Justice of the Peace
S. Crompton, Justice of the Peace
F. Ashby, Justice of the Peace
J. Hope
T. Mather
M. How
W. Snowden

Mr. Granger
Mr. Smith
Mr. Simmonds
Mr. Evans
Mr. Bacon
Mr. Bradshaw
Mr. N. Bradshaw
Mr. Leaper
Mr. William Evans
Mr. Strutt
Mr. William Strutt
Mr. Stretton
Mr. Harrison
Mr. William Harrison

Capital Burgesses
Mr. Woollatt
Mr. Drewry
Mr. Fox
Mr. White
Rev. C. S. Hope
Mr. Duesbury
Mr. Brown
Mr. Smith
Mr. Noton
Mr. Killer
Mr. Noble
Rev. A. Clarkson
Mr. Hill
One vacancy
Mr. Edward Ward, (F.) Attorney & Town Clerk
Mr. Benjamin Granger, Steward to the Corporation

Almond Mrs. Widow
Allsop James, Esq. (F.)
Archdale Mrs.
Ashby Francis, Esq. Justice of Peace
Balgny Miss
Barber -, Gent.
Bateman John, sen. Esq.
Bathurst Henry, Esq.
Bales Mrs. Widow
Bradly Mr,
Borrow John, Esq.
Borrow Mrs. Widow, (F.)
Borrow Thomas, Esq.
Bingham Miss
Broad Miss
Chase Mrs. Widow
Chase Miss
Clark Thomas, Esq.
Coke D. P. Esq. (F.) M. P.
Crompton John, Esq. (F.) Banker and Receiver General for the County
Crompton Peter, Esq. (F.)
Crompton Samuel, Esq. (F.) Baker
Cook -, Gent.
Chambers Mrs. Widow
Dobinson Mrs. (F.)
Eaton Thomas, sen. Gent. (F.)
Fox Mrs. Widow, (F.)
French Richard, Esq.
Grayson Miss
Harrison Mrs. Widow
Hatril Mrs. Widow
Hayhurst Mrs. Widow
Hopkinson Mrs. Widow, (F.)
Hope John, Gent.
Killer John, Gent. (F.)
Lloyd -, Esq.
Latuffiere Mr. (F.)
Love Miss
Le Hunt Mrs. Widow
Mather -, Gent.
Mellor Mrs. Widow, (F.)
Moore Mrs. Widow
Noton Mrs.
Peach Mr.
Pickford Mrs. Widow
Pitman Mrs. Widow
Quin Mrs.
Redfern -, Gent.
Roe Mrs. Widow
Rolleston Mrs. Widow
Robinson Jn. Esq. Adjutant of Militia
Smith William, Esq.
Tracey Honourable Mrs.
Trowell John, Esq. (F.) Major of Militia
Tomlinson James, Gent.
Vessey John, Gent, (F.)
Willatt Mrs. Widow, (F.)
Wilimot Lady, (F.)
Wilmot Mrs.
Wilson Thomas, Esq.
Woolley Mrs. Widow

Bailey Rev. Mr. Teacher of the Grammar School
Bloodworth Rev. Mr. Romish Priest
Clark Rev. John, Curate of St. Peter's
Clarkstone Rev. Mr. (F.)
Manlove Rev. Thomas, (F.)
Philips Rev. Mr. Dissenting Minister
Pilkinton Rev. Mr. Dissenting Minister

Brown H. and Co. (F.) Druggists
Fox -, (F.) Surgeon
Fowler -, (F.) Surgeon
Huden Thomas, Surgeon
Johnson Dr.
Ley -, Surgeon
Pitman -, Surgeon
Wright John, (F.) Surgeon
Wright Richard, (F.) Surgeon

Bateman -, (F.) Attorney
Edwards Nathaniel, (F.) Attorney and Clerk to Commissioners for Paving, &c.
Evans -, Attorney
Fowler -, (F.) Attorney
Harrison -, (F.) Attorney
Horrocks -, (F.) Attorney
Lockett William, Attorney
Vickers -, Attorney

Abbot -, (F.) Victualler (Tiger) [seller of food/drink]
Adams Thomas, (F.) Victualler
Agard -, Miller and Corn-factor
Allen Thomas, Peruke-maker [Peruke - a wig for men fashionable in 17th-18th centuries]
Ancell Sam. Victualler (Grapes)
Ashford William, Gardener
Bacon James, (F.) Dealer in Spirits
Bailey Mrs. Milliner
Baker Mrs. Maltster and Farmer
Bakewell -, (F.) Glass and Pot Warehouse
Balme Miss, (F.) Grocer
Bamford John, Locksmith
Barker Mrs. Victualler (Wheatsheaf)
Barker -, Sadler
Bancroft Mrs. Mantua-maker [Mantua - a loose gown of the 17th and 18th centuries; a dressmaker]
Barnes -, Collector of Excise
Barrow Richard, (F.) Baker
Barton -, Grocer
Bassano Richard, (F.) Grocer
Batemans, Heathcote, & Hatton, Commercial Bank
Bates John, (F.) Baker
Battelle -, Mercer [a dealer in textiles (especially silks)]
Beeland William, Shoemaker
Bennit -, (F.) Excise officer
Bently -, Maltster and Corn-factor [Maltster - a brewer; maker or seller of malts]
Berkin -, Grocer
Berkin William, Shopkeeper
Bilbrough -, Taylor
Billingsly William, (F.) Victualler
Blackwell Mrs. Shopkeeper
Boam John, Victualler (Green Dragon)
Bonnington Emanuel, Cooper
Boot John, Gardener
Bowden -, Baker
Bowyer William, (F.) Peruke-maker
Brackley Samuel, Victualler (Angel)
Bradshaw Vicars, Surveyor of Taxes
Brailsford -, Stay-maker [corset maker]
Brentnall Charles, Farrier
Brentnall Francis, Grocer
Brentnall -, (F.) Grocer
Brentnall Wm. (F.) Victualler (Talbot Inn)
Bretnor -, Joiner
Brewer -, Hatter
Bridge Gilbert, Butcher
Bridgett Mrs. Gardener
Brierley Mrs. Taylor
Brocksopp -, Butcher
Bromley -, (F.) Skinner
Bromley -, Milk-seller
Brookhouse John, Plaisterer
Broomhead -, Plumber and Glaizer
Brought Job, Banker's Clerk
Broughton -, Cheesemonger
Broughton -, Wine and Brandy Vaults, and Town Cryer
Brown and Son, (F.) Petrefactioners [Petrifaction - the process of turning some plant material into stone by infiltration with water carrying mineral particles without changing the original shape]
Browne -, Mercer
Bruckfield Miss, Milliner
Bruckfield George, (F.) Mercer
Bryer Mrs. Whittawer [one who made saddles and harness]
Buardfall Samuel, Cooper
Bullers -, Victualler (Bishop Blaize)
Bullock Joseph, Weaver
Bullock Thomas, Farmer
Bunting William, (F.) Glazier
Busher William, Whitesmith [a worker in tinned or galvanized iron, or white iron; a tinsmith]
Buxton -, Skinner
Callow -, (F.) Cotton-manufacturer
Callumbell William, (F.) Taylor
Calvert -, Victualler (Black Swan)
Campion -, (F.) Victualler(Bell Inn)
Campion William, Hosier
Cartwright Richard, Victualler
Cater Edward, Silk-throwster [worker in the silk industry]
Chamberlain Mrs. Post-office
Chatterton -, (F.) Plumber and Glazier
Chetthem -, Victualler and Patten Ring-maker [?]
Choice -, Hat and Shoe Warehouse
Choice John, Patten-maker [clog maker or the person who made wooden soles (pattens) to fit under normal shoes to protect from wet and muddy ground]
Cholerton John, Joiner
Clark Andrew, Horse-breaker
Clark Mrs. Milliner
Clark -, Victualler (Old Tiger)
Clark -, Grocer
Clark Witherall, (F.) Victualler (Red Lion Inn)
Clay Samuel, Framework-knitter
Clement -, Victualler (Star & Garter)
Cock Mrs. (F.) Currier [a craftsman who curries leather for use]
Cockayne Edward, (F.) Framesmith
Cockayne Nathaniel, (F.) Baker
Cockayne -, Butcher
Cockayne William, (F.) Victualler
Cockayne William, Grocer
Cocker Tho. Fishmonger & Victualler
Collumbell David, Taylor
Cook -, Confectioner
Cook -, Victualler (Barley-mow)
Cooper George, Cordwainer [a worker in cordwain, or cordovan leather; later, a shoemaker]
Cooper Jos. Joiner and Cabinet-maker
Cooper Wm. (F.) Wine & Brandy-merchants
Corden Joe. (F.) Victualler (Wool Pack)
Cox Messrs. Wine & Brandy-merchants
Crane Thomas, (F.) Joiner
Cuthbertson Mrs. (F.) Victualler
Cuthbertson -, Maltster
Daniel G. (F.) Silk-throwster
Daniels Joseph, Silk-throwster
Davis D. Victualler (Lower Green-man)
Dawson Joseph, Taylor
Dawson -, Shoemaker
Denby Mrs. Academy for Ladies
Denby -, Organist
Denstone Charles, (F.) Baker
Dethick John, (F.) Grocer
Deverell -, (F.) Miller
Dexter -, (F.) Gardener
Drake William, Stocking-trimmer
Drewry -, (F.) Printer
Dudley Samuel, Stay-maker and Victualler (Black Boy)
Dudley -, (F.) Stay-maker
Duesbry William, (F.) Porcelain Manufacturer to His Majesty
Dugdall James, Maltster & Plaisterer
Dugmore -, (F.) Watch-maker
Duke -, Hair-dresser & Shopkeeper
Eaton Thomas, jun. (F.) Hosier
Eaton William, (F.) Keeper of the County Gaol
Edlin Mrs. Academy for young Ladies
Edwards Mrs. Victualler (Queen's-head)
Edwards Thomas, Shopkeeper
Edwards William, (F.) Maltster and Agent for the Sun Fire-office
Eley -, (F.) Mercer & Silk-throwster
Ellis -, Grocer
Evans Mrs. (F.) Petrefactioner
Evans Thomas, (F.) Marble-mason & Petrefactioner
Eyre Samuel, Framework-knitter
Eyre -, (F.) Book-keeper
Featherston -, (F.) Cheesemonger
Felton Mrs. Confectioner
Felton -, Butcher
Finny John, (F.) Joiner
Finny Richard, (F.) Joiner
Fisher -, Schoolmaster
Fitchett William, Victualler (Bell)
Fitchett -, Victualler (Old Mitre)
Fletcher -, Toyman
Fletcher John, Tea-dealer
Fletcher Robert, (F.) Joiner & Hardware-man
Flint Cornelius, Dancing-master
Ford Daniel, Stay-maker
Ford John, Farmer & Town-serjeant
Ford Samuel, Cordwainer
Ford -, Victualler
Ford -, Turner and Chair-maker
Forrister -, Stone-mason
Fosbrook -, Grocer
Fox Edward, (F.) Cotton-manufacturer
Fox Samuel, Hosier
Fox William, Maltster
Francis Tho. Victualler (Robin Hood)
Fritch G. sen. (F.) Grocer
Fritch G. Dancing-master
Frost William, Victualler (Shakespear)
Gamble -, (F.) Painter
Gaskin -, Victualler
Gaunt Mrs. Victualler (Cross-keys)
Gaunt -, Gardener
Gee -, Victualler
Goodwin -, Breeches-maker
Gretton Miss, Schoolmistress
Grice Miss, Mantua-maker
Haden John, Dealer in Rags
Halifax -, Victualler (Swan)
Hall Francis, Shopkeeper
Hall -, (F.) Sadler & Brick-maker
Hancock -, Jeweller
Handford -, Collector of Paving duties
Hardy George, Whitesmith
Hardy -, (F.) Wine and Brandy merchant
Harlow John, Bricklayer
Harrison Richard, Joiner
Harrison William, Victualler (Plough)
Harrison William, (F.) Whitesmith & Ironmonger
Harrison William, Joiner
Haslam John, Shoemaker
Hawkridge -, (F.) Taylor
Headley Job, Grocer
Hefford -, Keeper of the Town Gaol, and Serjeant at Mace
Hepborn -, Dyer
Hewitt -, Joiner
Hewitt -, Victualler
Hewitt Benj. (F.) Victualler (Wheel)
Hickling -, Grocer
Hill John, Baker
Hind John, Collar-maker and Victualler
Hut Abraham, Grocer
Holbrook -, Perfumer and hairdresser
Holden William, Barton Carrier [a Barton was a monastic farm, though this may have no relevance to the origin of the usage here]
Holland -, Victualler
Hollinghead Edward, (F.) Maltster and Carpenter
Hollowell William, Watch-maker
Holmes Joseph, (F.) Wharfinger [one who owns, or has the care of, a wharf]
Holmes Joseph, (F.) Breeches-maker
Holmes William, Cutler
Holmes -, Schoolmaster
Holmes-, Glaizer
Hodgkinson William, (F.) Gardener
Hodgkinson William, Wheelwright
Hopkinson William, Gardner & Nursery-man
Hood Francis, Glazier
Hood -, Shoemaker
Hope Miss, Mantua-maker
Hopkinson John, (F.) Miller and Corn-factor
Hopkinson -, (F.) Gardner
Horsley Nathaniel, (F.) Glazier
Horsley William, Farmer
Houghen Samuel, Butcher
How Matthew, (F.) Hatter
How Mrs. Confectioner
How Thomas, Grocer
Hughes -, Victualler
Hunt -, (F.) Pawnbroker
Hudson Thomas, Petrefactioner
Hudson Joseph, Farmer
Huzzey Mrs. Schoolmistress
Jelott -, Victualler (Chequers)
Johnson James, Shoemaker
Johnson Joseph, Baker
Johnson Richard, Upholsterer
Johnson -, Victualler
Johnson -, Victualler (White heart)
Johnson -, Excise-officer
Johnson -, Basket-maker
Jones -, Sadler
Killingley William, Weaver
Kirk -, Joiner, Appraiser, and Maltster
Kirkby -, Cutler
Kyte -, Brandy merchant and Victualler (White-lion)
Lamb William, Pattern-maker and Shopkeeper
Lathbury Richard, (F.) Taylor
Leaper -, Tanner and Distributor of Stamps
Lee John, (F.) Maltster
Levy -, (F.) Old Clothes-man
Linnet John, (F.) Hosier
Lomas Ralph, Milk-man
Lomas -, (F.) Joiner & Appraiser
Lomas.-, jun. Joiner
Lowe Mrs. Victualler (Rising Sun)
Lowe Thomas, (F.) Maltster
Lowe Daniel, (F.) Hosier
Lowndes -, Maltster
Maltby -, Shoemaker
Manly Mrs. Victualler (Swan & Necks)
Mansfield George, Carrier
Mansfield Simeon, Butcher & Potter
Mansfield William, (F.) Butcher
Mansfield William, Carrier
Marshall John, Hosier
Mason William, Gardener
Mather John, Iron-manufacturer
Mather John, Whitesmith and Hardware-man
Mather Walter, Iron-manufacturer and Merchant
Mawkes William, Clock & Watch-maker
Meddleton John, Joiner and Sexton
Melland Mrs. Victualler (Ostrich)
Melland -, (F.) Grazier
Moneypenny G. sen. Carver
Moneypenny G. Carver
Montford -, Shoemaker
Moore Charles, Bricklayer
Moore Henry, Woolcomber [operated machines that separate the fibres ready for spinning in woollen industry]
Moose -, Coach-maker
Moore Tho. Victualler (Rose & Crown)
Moore William, (F.) Shoemaker
Moreley --, (F.) Baker
Morley -, Butcher
Morris John, Shoemaker
Murden Mrs. Schoolmistress
Needham Henry, Pipe-maker
Needham -, Collar-maker
Newton -, Hair-dresser
Nixon -, Excise-officer
Noble Paul, Stay-maker
Noble -, Hosier
Noton -, Grocer
Oackden -, Hair-dresser
Oakes James, (F.) Victualler (Nag's-Head Inn)
Oldham George, (F.) Carrier
Orme John, Peruke-maker
Orton Henry, Tobacconist and Hop-merchant
Orton Wm. Victualler (Sarcen's-head)
Osborne -, (F.) Mercer
Palmer Joseph, (F.) Victualler
Paris William, Gunsmith
Parker Benjamin, Tinman
Parker William, Gold and Silversmith
Philips Mrs. (F.) Victualler
Pilkington -, Upholsterer
Pinder -, Tanner
Pipes John, Wharfinger
Pitman -, Painter
Porter Benjamin, Victualler (Miller)
Porter Thomas, Wheelwright
Potter Samuel, Taylor
Potter -, Grocer
Powell -, Victualler (Half-moon)
Poyser -, Cooper
Pratt H. Hosier
Pratt Samuel, Stay-maker
Pratt Thomas, Taylor & Parish-clerk
Pritchard John, Shoemaker
Pritchard -, Bookseller
Radford Mrs. Victualler
Radford -, (F.) Baker
Radford -, (F.) Butcher
Radford.-, (F.) Butcher
Range John, Shopkeeper
Ratcliff -, Cabinet-maker
Ray -, Maltster
Records Jos. Victualler (Chequers)
Redfearn Francis, Victualler
Redgate -, Pipe-maker
Richardson -, (F.) Ironmonger, Chandler &c.
Richardson Messrs. (F.) Wine and Brandy-merchants
Richardsons Messrs. (F.) Merchants & Bankers
Richardson Miss, Schoolmistress
Roberts -, Chimney-sweeper
Robinson -, Victualler (Sugar-loaf)
Robinson -, Peruke-maker
Robothamb James, (F.) Grocer
Roe Richard, (F.) Schoolmaster
Roiley -, Victualler (Royal Oak)
Rollinson James, Limner [illuminator of books, painter or drawer]
Rollinson -, Joiner
Rome -, Flour-man
Roome -, (F.) Bookseller
Rose -, Victualler
Rose -, Victualler (Old Flower-pot)
Rotherham John, Painter
Rowland -, Farmer
Rowson Thomas, Joiner
Sadler -, Hair-dresser
Sales -, Woollen-draper
Salisbury -, Pipe-maker
Sanders John, (F.) Bookseller
Sanders John, Shoemaker
Sawyer-, Victualler (Oak & Acorn)
Saxlebye -, (F.) Cheese-factor & Merchant
Saxton Mrs. Schoolmistress
Sculthorp John, Maltster and Farmer
Severn Thomas, Jeweller
Severn Miss, Milliner
Shaw -, (F.) Mercer
Shaw William, Baker
Shenton Samuel, Slater
Shepherdson John, Potter
Shipley -, Silk-throwster
Simmonds -, Hardware-man
Simmonds -, Victualler (Oak & Acorn)
Sims Thomas, Bricklayer
Simpson John, (F.) Grocer
Simpson -, Dancing-master
Smith Charles, Victualler & Constable
Smith Samuel, Brazier and Tinman
Smith Thomas, Blacksmith and Victualler (Ship)
Smith William, Painter and Potter
Smith -, (F.) Mercer and Silk-throwster
Smith -, (F.) Breeches-maker
Smith -, Hair-dresser
Smithers Mrs. Baker
Snape William, Miller
Sneesby -, Shoe-maker
Snowden William, Grocer
Soare William, Taylor
Sowter George, (F.) Baker
Spencer Matthew, Schoolmaster
Spencer John, Gardener
Spray John, Cooper and Worsted-maker
Stables George, Victualler (White-lion)
Stansby -, Baker
Stansby -, Cooper
Steer -, Needle-maker
Stenson Mrs. Victualler (Three Tuns)
Stenson John, Weatherglass-maker and Flour-man
Stenson Thomas, Framework-knitter
Stevens -, (F.) Hardware-man
Storer Thomas, jun. Hair-dresser
Stretton John, (F.) Wharfinger and Raff-merchant [raff-merchant: a seller of the fibre used to make raffia bags etc]
Strutts Messrs. (F.) Hosiers and Cotton-manufacturers
Sturtevant Roby, Tallow-chandler [made or sold candles]
Sudbury Robert, Gardener
Swan and Co. Mercers
Swanwick -, Schoolmaster
Swift -, (F.) Silk-throwster
Symons -, Supervisor of Excise
Tatlow -, Mercer
Taylor -, Plumber and Glazier
Taylor Benjamin, Scrivener [clerk, notary]
Thorp -, sen. (F.) Patten-maker
Thorp -, Last-maker [a last is a holding device shaped like a human foot that is used to fashion or repair shoes; a laster (or last-maker as here) was a shoe-maker]
Thorp Edward, Patten-tigh-maker [?]
Tinder -, Cheesemonger
Tipper Benjamin, Last & Heel-maker
Tipper Benjamin, jun. Patten-maker
Titley John, Shopkeeper
Tomlinson Henry, (F.) Maltster
Tomlinson Isaac, Victualler
Tomlinson John, Victualler
Tomlinson -, Gardener
Topham -, Dyer
Tunaly -, Dancing-master
Turner Thomas, (F.) Miller
Turner Thomas, (F.) Grocer
Udall Jacob, Joiner
Vickarse -, Hosier
Walker Mrs. Grocer
Wallis Mrs. Sadler
Wallis -, (F.) Victualler (N. Inn)
Walton -, Victualler (George Inn)
Walton -, Baker
Walton -, Cutler
Ward William, (F.) Grocer & Dealer in Spirits
Ward Mrs. Grocer and Shopkeeper
Warner - , Grocer
Waterhall -, Victualler (Cowleech)
Watson John, Farmer
Watson -, Hair-dresser
Webster George, (F.) Victualler
Webster -, Taylor
Welch John, Bricklayer
Wells Mrs. (F.) Grocer
Wetherall -, Excise-officer
Wheeldon George, Merchant
Wheeldon -, Maltster
Wheeldon William, (F.) Framework-knitter
White -, Victualler (Thorn-tree)
White -, Mercer
Whitehurst -, Watch-maker
Winter Thomas, (F.) Victualler
Wise -, Excise-officer
Withers -, Victualler
Wood William, Grocer & Confectioner
Woodhouse - , Farmer
Wright James, Watch-maker
Wright Joseph, Hosier
Wright Samuel, (F.) Hosier
Wright Thomas, sen. Hosier
Wright -, Mercer
Wright -, Victualler (Dolphin)
Yeomans - , Taylor
Yates -, Victualler (Seven Stars)

Keddlelston-house, the splendid seat of lord Scarsdale, which is in immediate neighbourhood of this town, is well worthy the attention of every traveller. It is indeed a most superb pile of building, where no expence has been spared to attain the highest degree of external and internal decoration. The Egyptian hall is one of the noblest and most magnificent rooms in Europe, and all its ornaments are adapted with so much judgment, and finished in such exquisite taste, that the whole forms a scene of genuine edificial grandeur. The roof of this splendid room is supported by a great number of Corinthian columns of Derbyshire marble, most beautifully variegated. These are fluted, and, being contrasted with their high-wrought capitals, which are of pure statuary marble, afford the most striking spectacle of solid beauty which we have ever seen in any house or palace in any country. All the apartments are truly noble, the furniture of uncommon cost, and many of the rooms adorned with the most capital paintings of the most eminent masters.

The country round it boasts no particular beauties; but the extent of the park, its fine water, majestic woods, extensive plantations elegant buildings, and spacious laws [sic], &c. form a scene well adapted to the magnificent edifice that commands it.

Near the house, there arises a medicinal spring, to whose salutary streams many retort in the summer season, for various disorders. For the convenience therefore of such persons, a commodious house has beet erected near the park gate, large enough to accommodate a considerable number of people; and where the resorting company live upon the same plan of communicative society as at Buxton, Matlock, Harrowgate, &c.

A mile below Derby, upon the Derwent, stood the old Roman Derventio now Little Chester. Remains of the old walls, vaults, wells, Roman coins, aqueducts, human bones, brass rings, and other marks of antiquity, have been from time to time discovered and dug up. The river being too rapid for a ford, a bridge was anciently there, the foundation of which with a staff they can still feel.

At Formark, Sir Robert Burdet has a large house. It is an oblong, the corners projecting enough to have bow windows, and are domed. In the centre of the principal front is a portico, supported by four ionic pillars. It commands an extensive prospect over the vale, through which the Trent runs; and, being well united with some fine woods, has a good effect. The back front, which is very light and handsome, looks on some hanging hills crowned by distant plantations. Some of them are young, but now begin to shew themselves to great advantage. The pleasure-ground is very beautiful. A winding walk leads from the house through a wood of very fine oaks, down a falling valley to the banks of the Trent, and turns up a cliff of rock and wood, which is one of the greatest curiosities in this country: the river has no where so bold and romantic a shore. The rocks are perpendicular, and at a good height, and the intermixture of wood extremely romantic, hanging over the cliffs, in some places, in a striking manner, and almost overshadowing the water. The walk is conducted along the edge of the precipice, and looks down on the river winding beneath, through the scattered wood, in a very fine style. A noble prospect of the surrounding country, well diversified by villages breaks upon the eye through natural openings among the trees. It runs quite through this woody precipice, and, leading along a vale at the end of it, thickly planted, mounts a bold hill free of rocks, and winds through a plantation thick enough to exclude the view of the river, &c. till it arrives at the summit, which is a very fine projection. Here it opens at once from the dark wood into a temple, instantly commanding, as by enchantment, one of the richest views in the world. Beneath you, at a great depth, the Trent makes a very bold sweep, and, winding through the valley, all richly enclosed and of a very fine verdure, it appears at different spots in the most pleasing manner. To the left you command a fine bend of it, which leads to a village with a white church rising from the midst of it; and, at some distance beyond, it is again caught among the enclosures, beautifully fringed with trees and hedge-rows. There are a few views finer than this: from hence the plantations unite with others that conduct you again to the house.

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